Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kepada peminat-peminat Chewing Gum


saya amat berharap agar perkongsian disini
mendapat manfaat kepada ummat Islam dan kepada diri saya sendiri

Ummat seharusnya peka terhadap setiap perkara disekelilingnya

lebih2 lagi pemakanan yg bakal menjadi darah dagingnya...
Kerana makanan yg baik akan membina tubuh yg sihat dan kuat,
makanan yg baik memastikan akal sentiasa sihat dan memori yg kuat...

Saya, selaku peminat chewing gums
alhamdulillah diberikan petunjuk oleh ALLAH pada pagi ini
untuk mencari kebenaran yg dikata-katakan 
berkenaan product Wrigley's yg sememangnya mudah dijumpai dimana2
lebih2 lg product2 ini menggunakan gelatin yg di extract dari "haiwan" majoritinya ..

so, mari kita lihat ,
dan moga2 ALLAH s.w.t mengampunkan dosa2 kita yg lalu
kerana makan dari makanan yg syubhah
dan semoga artikel ini membantu semua 

*Hasil daripada pencarian di internet, hampir 90% mengatakan kandungan yg sama ..

Halal and haram Products..... Must check it out

[UPDATE: A letter from Wrigley Consumer Affairs Office addressed to A Member of the Sunniforum, who requested Confirmation on Product Information and Ingredients]

From: | Block Address | Add to Contacts
Date: 26 May 2006, 09:00:14 PM
Subject: Re: In Response to your Website Comments - Ref # 000159856A

Dear Akbar,
Thank you for contacting us about animal ingredients and our products.
To answer to your question, the vast majority of Wrigley products sold in the
U.S. are free from ingredients of animal origin, including egg and dairy
products. At present, the only chewing gum exceptions are Extra® Polar Ice
stick gum and Juicy Fruit® pellet gums.

Extra® Polar Ice gum and Orbit® Crystal Mint contain tiny flavor beads encased
in a microscopic layer of gelatin, which is animal based. We have requested the
development of a gelatin-free flavor bead that is currently being worked on by
our supplier. Juicy Fruit Grapermelon and Strappleberry gums use shellac as a
coating agent.

The different varieties of our ALTOIDS mints do contain very small quantities
of gelatin which is derived from pork. Gelatin does not impart any flavor to
ALTOIDS, but it’s a necessary ingredient for the texture of the mint. When we
use gelatin it is thoroughly purified and dried during its manufacturing
process. Our staff is continually looking at alternatives to animal gelatin,
but at the moment we’ve not been able to find a substitute that produces the
same quality you’ve come to love with ALTOIDS.

Our LifeSaver gummies do contain small quantities of gelatin, which is also
derived from pork. It follows the same drying and purifying process as with the

If your diet does not allow you to consume animal byproducts such as dairy, our
CremeSaver line does contain cream, which is a dairy byproduct. On the same
note, our LifeSaver Fusions and LifeSaver gummies are produced on the same line
as our CremeSavers, so there is a chance of cross contamination. Our CremeSaver
soft chews also contain a small amount of gelatin, which is pork based.

We hope this information has been helpful and thanks again for contacting the
Wrigley Company.
Ryné King
Consumer Affairs Representative


Therefore according to the info above the following products of theirs are Haram:

Extra® Polar Ice Stick Gum
Juicy Fruit® pellet gums.
Extra® Polar Ice gum and Orbit® Crystal Mint
Juicy Fruit Grapermelon and Strappleberry gums
Our LifeSaver gummies
LifeSaver Fusions and LifeSaver

Can't chew this it's haraam!

Can chew this it's Halal :) !

Sekian ...


Meru said...

aku makan eclipse je..

islahmujahidin said...

ok la tu..
tapi dah seriau la dgn wrigley's ni..
jual kt mana2 je..macam halal je gayenye

Syed Abu Zulfadhli al-Qadrey said...

syukran atas perkongsian...